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Ufton Court Health & Safety Boys

Accreditations and Risk Assessments

We take our responsibility to keep everyone who visits us at Ufton safe very seriously.


We work with Quadriga Health & Safety Ltd. who are our Health and Safety consultants. We are insured by Ecclesiastical Insurance Services.


We have worked to achieve the highest standards of safety and quality learning experiences being accredited by Learning Outside the Classroom LOTC and the Sandford award.

Please see details of our H&S policies and Risk Assessments:



This is a nationally recognised indicator of good quality educational provision. The award is an accreditation scheme that assesses the quality of learning and safety by providers outside the classroom. This award assures all teachers that Ufton Court offers good quality and safe provision. Ufton Court had to demonstrate robust risk management, safeguarding and child protection measures as well as providing skilled educational staff who can truly bring a topic to life. 

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The Sandford Award is an independently assessed, quality assured assessment of formal, curriculum-linked educational provision, offered by a broad range of heritage sites and services from across the British Isles. Recognition is also given to informal learning such as family programmes and outreach.

Ufton Court Accreditation

The scheme gives businesses a rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online so you can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food. 5 is top of the scale, this means the hygiene standards are very good and fully comply with the law

Risk Assessments

Please find below an overview of our risk assessments. 

We recommend that your trip coordinator visits Ufton prior to your group visits to support your risk assessments and planning. Please contact us directly to arrange your pre-visit or to discuss how we can support your groups requirements.

Risk Assessments for History Programmes
Risk Assessments for Outdoor Learning Programmes

All activities are underpinned by robust and rigorous Health and Safety policies and procedures, including risk assessments, and our team work together to be vigilant and enforce our Health and Safety Policy. 

All Ufton staff are DBS-checked and trained in safeguarding. All of our teaching staff are also trained in paediatric first aid. We also hold a Level 5 food safety rating and can cater for all dietary needs. We hold several kite marks, including Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge, which all endorse our approach to health, safety and welfare.


Download our public liability insurance certificate below.

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